Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center





Prices and items change daily. We receive trucks everyday.


Shop in open air greenhouses and checkout outside in glass enclosed outdoor register.

Prices and selection varies depending on size and supplier.  We use local and regional farms every week in season.  We receive daily deliveries from all over the northeast.  We also receive daily deliveries all thru the summer and fall.  Stop and see ouR 6 greenhouses in the back. Annual and tropicals do not come back year to year.  Here is some of our pricing.






POTS/6-6.5" GERANIUMS: $11.99 EACH 

POTS/HERBS: $4.29 to 5.49 EA.          VEGGI/TOMATO 3-4" SINGLES $2.99 EA 







Ageratum, Compact Artist, Cloud Nine Series Compact, well-branched plant with masses of frilly, button-like flower heads all season long. Heat tolerant. Color: Blue, purple Height: 6”-8” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs, flats, 4.5")
Ageratum, Tall ‘Blue Horizon’ Taller, upright variety with large, fluffy flower heads. Excellent for cut flowers. Color: Blue Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-18” (Packs,Flats,4.5")
Ageratum, Compact Artist, Cloud Nine Series Compact, well-branched plant with masses of frilly, button-like flower heads all season long. Heat tolerant. Color: Pink Height: 6”-8” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs, flats, 4.5")
Ageratum, Compact Artist, Cloud Nine Series Compact, well-branched plant with masses of frilly, button-like flower heads all season long. Heat tolerant. Color: White Height: 6”-8” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs, Flats, 4.5")
Alternanthera Purple Knight
Alternanthera Purple Knight
Purple Knight’ A vigorous, dark leaved foliage plant widely used for spreading amongst gardens and containers. Heat tolerant. Color: Purple foliage Height: 10”-12” Spread: 16”-18” (4.5",10" HB)
Alyssum Lavender
Alyssum Lavender
Alyssum Clear Crystals Series Low growing, compact filler plant with dense clusters of small white flowers that continuously bloom throughout the season. Color: Lavender, white, purple Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs,flats)
Alyssum Purple
Alyssum Purple

Alyssum Clear Crystals Series Low growing, compact filler plant with dense clusters of small white flowers that continuously bloom throughout the season. Color: Lavender, white, purple Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs, flats)

Alyssum White.
Alyssum White.

Alyssum Clear Crystals Series Low growing, compact filler plant with dense clusters of small white flowers that continuously bloom throughout the season. Color: Lavender, white , purple Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs,flats)

Angelonia Lavender
Angelonia Lavender

Angelonia Archangel, Serena, Serenita Series Lush display of bright orchid-like flowers. No pruning or dead-heading necessary. Heat and drought tolerant. Color: Lavender, pink, white, blue, purple, mix Height: 14”-24” Spread: 10”-14” (4.5",10",12")

Angelonia Pink
Angelonia Pink
Angelonia Archangel, Serena, Serenita Series Lush display of bright orchid-like flowers. No pruning or dead-heading necessary. Heat and drought tolerant. Color: Lavender, pink, white, blue, purple, mix Height: 14”-24” Spread: 10”-14” (4.5",10",12")
Angelonia White
Angelonia White
Angelonia Archangel, Serena, Serenita Series Lush display of bright orchid-like flowers. No pruning or dead-heading necessary. Heat and drought tolerant. Color: Lavender, pink, white, blue, purple, mix Height: 14”-24” Spread: 10”-14” (4.5",10",12")
Arctotis The Ravers Series Compact grower with continually blooming daisy-like flowers and silvery foliage. Drought tolerant. Color: Red, orange, pink Height: 8”-12” Spread: 10”-16” (4.5", HB)
Argyranthemum Cream
Argyranthemum Cream
Argyranthemum Butterfly Series Bright, daisy-like flowers on well-branched plants that will bloom continuously through the season. Color: Yellow, cream Height: 18”-36” Spread: 12”-20” (4.5",10",12")
Argyranthemum Daisy
Argyranthemum Daisy
Argyranthemum Butterfly Series Bright, daisy-like flowers on well-branched plants that will bloom continuously through the season. Color: Yellow, cream Height: 18”-36” Spread: 12”-20” (4.5",10",12")
Argyranthemum Yellow
Argyranthemum Yellow
Argyranthemum Butterfly Series Bright, daisy-like flowers on well-branched plants that will bloom continuously through the season. Color: Yellow, cream Height: 18”-36” Spread: 12”-20” (4.5",10",12")
Aster assorted
Aster assorted

Aster ‘Dragon’, ‘Daydream’, Hazy, ‘Henry’, Peter, Puff Magic Compact plant suitable for containers and planters. Wide, double flowers offering big color. Color: Blue, pink, white, purple Height: 6”-8” Spread: 6”-8” (Packs,Flats)

Bacopa Blue
Bacopa Blue

Bacopa Gulliver Series, Scopia Large mass of small flowers are constant on these well-branched plants. Plants trail over edges making it suitable for containers and hanging baskets. Color: Blue, white, pink Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5" HB)

Bacopa Pink
Bacopa Pink
Bacopa Gulliver Series, Scopia Large mass of small flowers are constant on these well-branched plants. Plants trail over edges making it suitable for containers and hanging baskets. Color: Blue, white, pink Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5", HB)
Bacopa White
Bacopa White
Bacopa Gulliver Series, Scopia Large mass of small flowers are constant on these well-branched plants. Plants trail over edges making it suitable for containers and hanging baskets. Color: Blue, white, pink Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5",HB)
Begonia Rex
Begonia Rex
Begonia, Rex Jurassic Series, Escorgot Striking foliage makes this tuberous plant a brilliant selection for containers and hanging baskets. Color: Foliage colors range from shades of red, green, and silver Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-18” (6",HB)
Begonia boliniensis
Begonia boliniensis
Begonia boliviensis California Sunlight, Bonfire, Bossa Nova Series Compact bush plant with long-lasting, slender, fluted flowers that hang from a compact bush. Heat tolerant. Color: Orange, rose Height: 18”-20” Spread: 20”-24” (4.5",6",HB)
Begonia Fibrous/Wax
Begonia Fibrous/Wax
Begonia, Fibrous/Wax Eureka, Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Nightlife, Sprint, Whopper Series Compact bedding plant with clusters of white, pink, rose, or red flowers. Color: White, red, pink, salmon Height: 8”-12” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs,Flays,4.5",6",HB)
Begonia Specialty
Begonia Specialty
Begonia, Specialty Unbelievable, Unstoppable Series Elegant, upright branching with large blooms against dark, narrow, and pointed foliage. Ideal for shade planters. Color: Yellow, cream, white, orange, pink Height: 10”-14” Spread: 16”-18” (4.5",10",12",HB)
Begonia Winged
Begonia Winged
Begonia, Winged Dragon Wing, Baby Wing Series Mounding plant with continuous blooms and interesting foliage to use in patio containers, hanging baskets and beds. Heat tolerant. Color: Red, white, pink Height: 15”-18” Spread: 15”-18” (4.5",10",12",HB)
Bidens Bee Dance Series, Charm, Campfire, Sunshine Trailing habit with bright daisy-like flowers and deep green foliage. Will bloom from spring to fall. Heat tolerant. Color: Orange-red, yellow Height: 12”-14” Spread: 14”-16” (4.5",HB)
Calibrachoa/Million Bell Bi-colors
Calibrachoa/Million Bell Bi-colors
Calibrachoa, Compact Conga Series Dozens of continuous blooming small petunia-like flowers with prostrate, low growing stems and a petite rose appearance. Does well in containers. Color: Red, yellow, blush, orange, rose, pink, coral Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",10",12",HB)
Calibrachoa/Million Bell Single colors
Calibrachoa/Million Bell Single colors
Calibrachoa, Compact Conga Series Dozens of continuous blooming small petunia-like flowers with prostrate, low growing stems and a petite rose appearance. Does well in containers. Color: Red, yellow, blush, orange, rose, pink, coral Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",10",12",HB)
Calibrachoa/Million Bell specialty colors
Calibrachoa/Million Bell specialty colors
Calibrachoa, Compact Conga Series Dozens of continuous blooming small petunia-like flowers with prostrate, low growing stems and a petite rose appearance. Does well in containers. Color: Red, yellow, blush, orange, rose, pink, coral Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",10",12",HB)
Celosia Cockcomb asstored
Celosia Cockcomb asstored
Celosia, Cockscomb Upright plant with triangular, cone-shaped flowers offering bright contrast to soft green or bronze foliage. Heat tolerant. Color: Red, orange, yellow Height: 28”-40” Spread: 6”-10” (Packs,Flats)
Celosia Feather assorted
Celosia Feather assorted
Celosia, Feather New Look, First Flame, Fresh Look, Arrabona and Ice Cream Series Plume-like flowers offer big color and require little attention. Bright colors on soft green or bronze foliage. Color: Red, orange, yellow, mix Height: 12”-18” Spread: 9”-12” (Packs, Flats)
Celosia Spiky assorted
Celosia Spiky assorted
Celosia, Spiky Intenz Purple, Kosmo, Spiky Series An eye-catching annual with flowers consisting of small spikes of intense colors. Good for borders and containers. Color: Purple, magenta Height: 10”-16” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs, Flats)
Season: Annual Height: 8 Inches Bloom Season: Winter Environment: Shade/Partial Shade Soil Type: Rich, Moist well-drained, pH 6.1-7.8 (4.5",6",8',12")
Cleome assorted
Cleome assorted
Cleome Pequena, Senorita, Sparkler Series, Cleo Cut leaves give way to spidery-like flowers with long wavy stamen, held high on strong, leafy stems. More compact and better branched than other varieties. Color: Soft pink, white, lavender, rose Height: 36”-72” Spread: 12”-24” (6",8"10"12")

Coleus This multi-colored foliage plant brings dramatic color to shady spots. Color: Foliage ranging from green, purple, red, orange, and variegated Height: 12”-36” Spread: 12”-36” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",10"12",HB)

Seeds from Cordyline australis Atropurpureum also sometimes called Grass Palm, Green Dracaena, or by it's Maori name Ti Kouka. This plant is the bronze or red leafed form of Cordyline australis and is hardy in zones 8 and above and with considerable protection in zone 7. Growing up to 8 feet tall eventurally, this is very slow to mature to this size. A real spark of interest in a garden border. (4.5",6",1 gal.)

Cosmos Sonata Series Upright plant with large mass of daisy-like flowers, blooming throughout the season. Tall annual with divided, feathery green foliage. Color: Carmine, pink, mix Height: 18”-36” Spread: 12”-18” (Packs,Flats,4.5",12")


Cuphea Vermillionaire Summer blooming annual featuring small orange tubular flowers against dark green foliage. Its compact growth habit makes it ideal for containers. Color: Orange-red Height: 18”-24” Spread: 18”-24” (4.5",12"HB)

Dahlia compact
Dahlia compact
Dahlia, Compact Dahlinova Low-growing, compact plant with uniform double blooms. Excellent for garden bedding and containers. Color: Yellow, pink, orange, red, purple, white Height: 8”-12” Spread: 10”-14” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",8",12",HB)
Dahlia Large
Dahlia Large
Hypnotica, Xxl Series Large, vigorous, double flowers bloom on well-branched green foliage. Compact, sturdy habit. Color: Pink, yellow, orange, red, lavender, rose Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (6",10",12")
Dianthus Diamond, Parfait, Ideal Series Naturally compact plant with silvery-green foliage and a mass of small, round flowers. Color: Violet, pink, white, rose, red Height: 8”-12” Spread: 10”-16” (Packs,Flats,6",12")
Diamond Frost Euphorbia
Diamond Frost Euphorbia
Diamond frost euphorbia from Proven Winners has beautiful, airy white flowers that bloom all season, it is easy to care for, tough and heat and drought tolerant Prefers partial to full sun (4-plus hours) and average soil, grows to be 1-15 ft. tall and wide It can trail up to 2 ft. Always ships in bloom year-round, annuals are 5-10 in. in tall when they are shipped Diamond frost combines beautifully with a variety of plants but also is great on its own, in any container type as well as in the landscape (4.5")
Dichondra ‘Silver Falls’ Beautiful trailing plant that, when used in containers, will cause a cascading effect with small, soft, and round-shaped foliage. Color: Silver or green foliage Height: 2”-6” Spread: 36”-48” (4.5") Item is in lower right hand corner of picture
Spike Dracaena
Spike Dracaena
Dracaena aka Spike plant is hardy to zones 7-11. Enjoys part sun to full sun. Commonly used as a centerpiece in planters although, it can be kept indoors as a houseplant. They can be kept out in the warmer months and brought in for the winter. Mature size is 24-36 inches tall and up to 18 inches wide. (4',6",8")
Dusty Miller
Dusty Miller
Dusty Miller Artemisia-like foliage is velvety in shades of gray making this plant a popular choice for garden beds and containers. Drought and heat tolerant. Color: Silver foliage Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs,Flats,6")
Evolvulus ’Blue My Mind‘, Blue Daze This continuous blooming plant with a mounding, trailing habit adds a pop of bright blue color to gardens and containers. Very drought and heat tolerant. Color: Blue Height: 6”-12” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5")
Fushia Hanging Assorted
Fushia Hanging Assorted
Fuchsia, hanging Hanging form of the genus. Trumpet-shaped blooms in a variety of hot and pastel colors, on green or bronze foliage. Color: Pink, purple, white Height: 10-12" Spread: 18”-24” (4.5",HB)
Fuchsia Upright Assorted
Fuchsia Upright Assorted
Fuchsia, Upright Autumnale, Bellinto Series, ‘Gardenmeister’, ‘Fireworks’ Upright form of the genus. Trumpet-shaped blooms in a variety of hot and pastel colors, on green or bronze foliage. Color: Pink, purple, white Height: 24”-36” Spread: 18”-24”
Whiskers Deep Rose Appleblossom Grass (Gaura lindheimeri Whiskers Deep Rose PP26,399) is a compact variety selected for its deep pink flowers and attractive burgundy foliage. Long blooming, it colors the garden or container all summer. Gaura is also commonly known as Wand Flower and Beeblossom. Zones 5 - 10 Advantages Attract Butterflies Attract Hummingbirds (4.5",6",9",12") Bee Friendly Native Light Requirements Full Sun Mature Plant Size 14-16" tall 12-14" wide
Geranium Interspecific-Caliente
Geranium Interspecific-Caliente
Geranium, Interspecific Caliente, Calliope Series Mounding plant with large clusters of flowers. Heat tolerant. Color: Red, coral, pink, lavender, salmon, rose, bicolor Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5",6",10",12",HB)
Geranium Ivy
Geranium Ivy
Geranium, Ivy Cascade Series Climbing plant with ivy-shaped leaves and clusters of flowers. Ideal for hanging baskets. Color: White, pink Height: 12”-18” Spread: 24”-36” (4.5",HB)
Geranium Regal-Martha Washington
Geranium Regal-Martha Washington
Geranium, Regal Martha Washington Geraniums Beautiful, cold tolerant plant with green, serrated foliage that have a light, citrus scent along with clusters of showy flowers. Color: White, purple, pink, maroon Height: 12”-18” Spread: 18”-24” (6",10',12",)
Geranium Varigated.
Geranium Varigated.
Geranium, Variegated Heat loving annual with large, colorful flower heads. Used mainly for its colorful variegated foliage. Color: Red, white, pink, bi-color Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6",10",12",HB)
Geranium Zonal
Geranium Zonal
Geranium, Zonal Popular, upright plant with round, velvety green foliage that will often have a burgundy ring and clusters of bright flowers. Excellent in containers. Color: Red, purple, pink, orange, white Height: 12”-36” Spread: 12”-36” (4.5",6",8",10",12",HB)
Gerbera-Gerber Daisy
Gerbera-Gerber Daisy
Gerbera Big, bright daisy-like flowers above large, lush green leaves make this plant ideal for bedding, borders and containers. Color: Red, orange, yellow, pink, white Height: 12”-16” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5",6")
Gomphrena Audray Series, Qis Series, ‘Fireworks’, ‘Zazzle’ One inch small round flowers in a mix of colors that will bloom all season on top of tall stalks. Heat tolerant. Color: Orange, purple, pink, red Height: 36”-48” Spread: 36”-48” (4.5",10",12")
Helichrysum Lemon, Variegated, ‘Icicles’, Silver Attractive foliage makes this plant ideal for containers as well as a ground cover. Drought tolerant. Color: Silvery green and white variegated foliage Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6",8")
Heliotrope Compact annual with broad, wrinkled leaves tinged with purple that will be covered in a profusion of fragrant deep violet-blue clusters of tiny flowers. Color: Purple, lavender Height: 12”-36” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6"8")
Impatiens Common
Impatiens Common
Impatiens, Common Dazzler, Impreza Series Uniform mounds with bright, profuse flowers in a wide variety of brilliant colors that require minimum care. Color: Blue, white, violet, pink, red, apricot, orange, rose Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",8",12",HB)
Impatiens Double
Impatiens Double
Impatiens, Double Fiesta Bonita Series Shade loving, blooming plant similar to common impatiens with more robust, double flowers. Color: Peach, purple, rose, white Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6",12",HB)
Impatiens New Guinea
Impatiens New Guinea
Impatiens, New Guinea Celebration, Petticoat Series Glossy foliage contrast well against brightly colored blooms. Color: White, lavender, purple, rose, pink, red Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24”(Carry packs,flats,4.5"6",8",10",12",HB)
Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid
Impatiens New Guinea Hybrid
Impatiens, New Guinea Hybrid Bounce Series, Big Bounce Glossy foliage contrast well against brightly colored blooms for this plant that works well in the garden. Color: White, lavender, purple, rose, pink, red Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-15” (Carry packs,flats,4.5",6",8",10",12",HB)
Impatiens Sunpatiens
Impatiens Sunpatiens
Impatiens, Sunpatiens A beautiful, mounding plant covered in bright flowers similar to common impatiens that is sun tolerant. Often used in mass plantings and borders. Color: White, lilac, magenta, red, rose, orange, coral Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (Carry packs,flats,4.5",6",8",12",HB)
Ipomoea Morning Glory Vine
Ipomoea Morning Glory Vine
Morning Glory Heavenly Blue, Sunrise Serenade Vigorous vine featuring beautiful double flowers about 2”-3” wide. Exceptional in containers with trellises. Color: Blue, rose and cherry red Will climb up anything. Height: 4”-6” Spread: Up to 12” (3-0-6 Packs,Flats,4.5",Trellis,HB)
Ipomoea Sweet Potao Vine Many colors
Ipomoea Sweet Potao Vine Many colors
Ipomoea Bright Ideas, Illusion Series, Solar Power A trailing variety grown for foliage interest with unique shape and colors to use as accents in planters or baskets. Color: Black, lime and bronze foliage Height: 6”-10” Spread: 24”-36” (3",4",4.5")
English Ivy Hedera
English Ivy Hedera
Light Requirement: Full Sun, Part Sun Spread: 6-12 inches Height: 8-12 inches Life Cycle: Annual Growth Habit: Mound Container: Yes (4.5',6") Different varieties
Genus: Juncus Variety: 'Twisted Arrows' Fuseables® Mix Item Form: (P) Pkt of 10 seeds Zone: 5 - 9 Bloom Start to End: Mid Summer - Late Summer Habit: Upright Seeds Per Pack: 10 Plant Height: 18 in - 3 ft Plant Width: 12 in - 18 in (4.5",6")
Lantana Compact
Lantana Compact
Lantana, Compact Lucky, Little Lucky Series Heat loving annual with compact branching stems holding an abundance of expanding bi-color flower heads. Color: Peach, yellow, red, rose, pink Height: 12”-16” Spread: 12”-14” (4.5",6",12",HB)
Lantana Mounded
Lantana Mounded
Lantana, Mounded Bandana, Lucky, Landmark Series Heat loving annual with long branching stems holding an abundance of expanding bi-color flower heads. Color: Peach, yellow, red, rose, pink Height: 12”-26” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6",12",HB)
Lantana Trailing
Lantana Trailing
Lantana, Trailing Heat loving annual with long cascading stems holding an abundance of expanding flower heads. Color: Blue, violet, white Height: 6”-10” Spread: 10”-16” (4.5",6",12",HB)
Lisianthus Florida Series Thick, blue-green foliage, holding cupped flowers slightly resembling roses. Welcomes afternoon shade. Color: Blue, white, pink Height: 8”-12” Spread: 6”-10” (4.5",6"9")
Lobelia trailing
Lobelia trailing
Lobelia, Trailing Techno Series Trailing varieties, with billowing masses of blossoms. Cool weather tolerant. Ideal for hanging baskets. Color: Blue, violet, white Height: 6”-10” Spread: 10”-16” (Packs,flats,4.5",6",12",HB)
Lobelia Upright
Lobelia Upright
Lobelia, Upright Early Springs, Riviera Series Compact bedding varieties, with billowing masses of blossoms. Cool weather tolerant. Color: Blue, white, lavender, magenta Height: 8”-14” Spread: 10”-16” (Packs, Flats, 4.5",6",12",HB)
Marigold African
Marigold African
Marigold, African Antigua,Taishan, Moonstruck, Moonsong Series Tall, upright annual with fragrant, three inch wide flowers that bring a pop of color to garden beds and borders. Color: Yellow, orange, gold, mix Height: 12”-36” Spread: 12”-24” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12")
Marigold French
Marigold French
Marigold, French Alumina, Cresta, Durango, Boy, Sunburst, Safari Series Petite, compact annual with frilly, bright flowers on top of deep green, fine toothed foliage. Color: Yellow, orange, red, mix, cream Height: 8”-12” Spread: 6”-8”
Melampodium ’Lemon Delight’ Beautiful mounds with yellow daisy-like flowers and a self-branching habit. Color: Yellow Height: 10”-12” Spread: 8”-10” (4.5",6",9")
Mexican Heather
Mexican Heather
Type Annual Light Part shade Plant spacing 18 to 24 inches apart Plant size 12 to 24 inches tall (4.5",6",)
Millet ‘Purple Baron’ and other varities Tall, grass-like foliage often in burgundy with tan feathery panicles of flowers. Color: Purple or gold foliage Height: 30”-36” Spread: 12”-14” (4.5",6",9",10",12")
Nasturium Jewel, Alaska, Empress Mix Bright annual easy to grow and maintain with long lasting blooms that will continue all summer long. Color: Orange, red, yellow flower on green or variegated foliage Height: 10”-12” Spread: 16”-24” (Packs,Flats)
Nemesia Innocence, Juicy Fruits, Sunsatia Series Well-branched plants with small, snapdragon-like blooms in many brilliant colors. Color: Red, yellow, white, pink, lavender, orange Height: 12”-14” Spread: 10”-12” (4.5",6",9')

Nicotiana, Compact Saratoga Series Narrow, erect stalks on bushy plants with clusters of trumpet like flowers on light green leaves. Color: Rose, red Height: 1Nicotiana, Tall alata ‘Lime Green’, sylvestris, langsdorfii Narrow, erect stalks on graceful tall plants with clusters of trumpet like flowers on light green leaves. Color: Lime-green, white, pale pink Height: 36”-60” Spread: 12”-24”

Ornamental Peppers.
Ornamental Peppers.
Ornamental Peppers Salsa, Sangria, Purple Flash, Medusa, Chilly Chili, Masquerade, Acapulco, Calico, Conga, Mambo, Red Missile Bright clusters of peppers with green or purple foliage make this compact plant ideal for garden beds and containers. Color: Purple, red, yellow, orange Height: 8”-18” Spread: 6”-12” (4",4.5",6",9")
Osteospermum Trailing
Osteospermum Trailing
Osteospermum, Trailing Tradewinds Series Daisy-like flowers with dark centered eyes on cascading plants. Heat and cool weather tolerant. Color: White, pink, purple, yellow, salmon Height: 6”-25” Spread: 12”-30”
Osteospermum Upright
Osteospermum Upright
Osteospermum, Upright Blue Eyed Beauty, Serenity, Margarita Daisy-like flowers with dark centered eyes on compact, upright plants. Heat and cool weather tolerant. Color: Yellow blue bi-color Height: 10”-14” Spread: 12”-20” (4.5",6"8"12")
Oxalis Charmed Series, Sunset Velvet Spectacular deep shaded foliage with large triangular leaves and small white flowers. Color: Purple, bronze foliage Height: 12”-16” Spread: 12”-14” (4",4.5")
Pansy Many colors and types
Pansy Many colors and types

Pansies Upright Upright spreading plants with large showy flower heads. Grow 5-7" wide and 6-8" tall. Will take tempatures to about 28 degrees. Cool season plant. Does not do well in heat. (Packs,Flants,4.5',6",8',9',Oval,bowls,12",decor pots,HB,Beldon Hangers)


Prices/availability change often. Text/stop in for exact information.

Pansy belden hanger
Pansy belden hanger

Same as pansy in its growth and requirements. Has plants all around the pot, including sides so all you see is the pot. (HB)


Prices/availability change often. Text/stop in for exact information.

Pentas Butterfly, Graffiti, Starla, Starcluster Series A superb garden performer with star shaped flowers in three inch clusters and contrasting dark green foliage. Color: Red, pink, lavender, white Height: 12”-22” Spread: 10”-24” (4.5",6",8")
Pericallis Senetti, Spring Touch Series A cool weather grower for early plantings. Bright colored petals have a white ring around dark centers. Color: Blue, purple, magenta Height: 12”-24” Spread: 14”-24” (4.5",6",9",12")
Petunia Ez Rider, Pretty Flora Series Reliable, popular annual. Flowers will bloom throughout the summer and into autumn. Heat tolerant. Color: Red, blue, white, rose, salmon Height: 6”-10” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Petunia Compact
Petunia Compact
Petunia, Compact Potunia Series Vigorous plants which are rounded, compact, well branched and covered with an abundance of blooms. Color: Blue, red, yellow, pink, orange Height: 10”-18” Spread: 10”-18” (4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Petunia Mounded
Petunia Mounded
Petunia, Mounded Espresso Series, Carpet, Glow Series, Madness, Prism Dwarf mounding plant that features vibrant, frilly blooms against rich foliage. Hardy and well-branched, this plant does well in hanging baskets and containers. Color: Rose, blue, white, red, purple, lilac, yellow, pink Height: 12”-14” Spread: 12”-14” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Petunia Spreading
Petunia Spreading
Petunia, Spreading Supertunia, Whispers, Suncatcher, Sanguna, Sweetunia Series, Surprise, Veranda, Night Sky Beautiful, trailing petunia used in hanging baskets, window boxes, and planters Color: Pink, purple, blue, white, red, burgundy, yellow, mix Height: 6”-10” Spread: Up to 48” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Petunia Wave
Petunia Wave
Petunia, Wave Wave, Easy Wave, Shockwave Series Beautiful, popular series that has big blooms continuing all season. Color: Blue, pink, red, white, lavender, purple, mix, yellow Height: 6”-8” Spread: 36”-48” (Carry packs,flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Phlox 21st Century Series A compact, vigorous plant with masses of single blooms for continuous color. Cool and warm weather tolerant. Color: Mix Height: 10”-12” Spread: 8”-10” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12")
Plectranthus mona lavender
Plectranthus mona lavender
Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’, ‘Silver Shield’ Upright, spreading dense shrub with long spikes and small flowers on attractive dark green or silver foliage. Color: Lavender, light blue Height: 24”-30” Spread: 24”-30” (4.5",6")
Plectranthus Variegated
Plectranthus Variegated
Plectranthus, Variegated Bushy, variegated plant valued for its foliage. Color: Green, yellow and white variegated foliage Height: 12”-24” Spread: 12”-24” (4.5",6")
Plumbago auriculata
Plumbago auriculata
Plumbago auriculata ‘Imperial Blue’ Large clusters of deep sky blue flowers from early summer until fall. Heat, sun, and drought tolerant. Color: Blue Height: 2”-3” Spread: 2”-3” (4.5",6",9")
Polka Dot Splash Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya
Polka Dot Splash Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya
A fine houseplant or bedding plant for the shade. Genus: Hypoestes (3 colors) Species: phyllostachya Variety: Splash Select Mix Item Form: (P) Pkt of 35 seeds Habit: Compact Seeds Per Pack: 35 Plant Height: 12 in Plant Width: 9 in (Packs,Flats,4.5")
Portulaca Happy Hour, Sundial Series Small, rose-shaped flowers that will open in the morning and close by afternoon. Tolerant of any soil. Color: Fuchsia, yellow, orange, mix Height: 6”-10” Spread: 14”-16” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Purslane Mojave, Cupcake, Porto Grande, Toucan Series Heat-loving and drought tolerant plant with bright, petite flowers in multitude of colors. Color: Fuchsia, yellow, scarlet, orange, apricot Height: 3”-4” Spread: 14”-16” (4.5",6",9",HB)
Salvia coccinea
Salvia coccinea
Salvia coccinea Summer Jewel Long spikes of multi-floret blooms and green, lance-like foliage. Makes excellent cut flowers. Color: Red Height: 18”-20” Spread: 18”-20” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12")
Salvia farinacea
Salvia farinacea
Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria Blue’ Long spikes of multi-floret blooms and green, lance-like foliage. Makes excellent cut flowers. Color: Blue Height: 18”-20” Spread: 18”-20” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12")
Salvia splendens
Salvia splendens
Salvia splendens Vista Series Compact, well-branched plant with large flower spikes in bright colors against dark green foliage. Color: Red, pink, peach, salmon, white Height: 10”-12” Spread: 8”-10” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12")
Scaevola Bondi Series, Surdiva, White Sparkle Compact, upright series that is ideal for small containers and gardens. Color: Blue, white Height: 6”-10” Spread: 12”-18” (4.5",6",9",12",HB)
Snapdragon compact
Snapdragon compact
Snapdragon, Upright, Compact Liberty Classic, Solstice, Sonnet Large, blossom-ladened flower heads that are faintly fragrant. Cool temperature tolerant. Color: Yellow, pink, lavender, red, peach, bronze, white, mix Height: 18”-22” Spread: 12”-14” (Packs,Flats, 6",9",12")
Snapdragon dwarf
Snapdragon dwarf
Snapdragon, Dwarf Montego, Snapshot Large, blossom-ladened flower heads are faintly fragrant. Cool temperature tolerant. Color: Yellow, pink, lavender, red, burgundy, bronze, white, mix Height: 6”-10” Spread: 6”-12” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12")
Snapdragon tall
Snapdragon tall
Snapdragon, Upright, Tall Rocket Series Tall stalks laden with flower heads. Great cut flower. Color: Yellow, pink, lavender, red, peach, bronze, white, mix Height: 24”-36” Spread: 15”-18” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12")
Snapdragon Trailing
Snapdragon Trailing
Snapdragon, Trailing Fruit Salad Series Large, blossom-ladened flower heads are faintly fragrant. Cool temperature tolerant. Color: Red, orange, purple, rose, yellow Height: 8”-10” Spread: 16”-18” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12")
Spider Plant-accent plant
Spider Plant-accent plant
Plant Type Houseplant Sun Exposure Part Sun, Shade Soil Type Loamy Soil pH Neutral Bloom Time Summer (4.5",HB)
Stock Harmony, Hot Cakes, Vintage Series Colorful, fragrant double and single flower heads with rosette clusters. Color: Rose, violet, white, burgundy, mix, yellow Height: 8”-12” Spread: 8”-12” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12")
Sunflower 5 lb Oil
Sunflower 5 lb Oil
Sunflower ‘Miss Sunshine’, ‘Sunsation’, ’Big Smile’, ‘Ballad’ Tall stalks with bright, large faces. Seeds form after flowers tire. Color: Yellow, yellow-orange Height: 10”-16” Spread: 8”-10” (4.5',6",8",9"10",12")
Soil temperature: 70 - 75 degrees fahrenheit Germination days: 7 - 10 days Grow on temperature day: 55 - 60 degrees fahrenheit Weeks indoor: 6 - 11 weeks Plant height: climber Plant type: annual Grat in a cage planter or Hanger (4.5",Special Pot,HB)
Torenia Catalina, Summer Wave, Gilded Series Dazzling annual with bicolor, tubular flowers on dark green foliage. Color: Blue, pink, violet, yellow, rose Height: 6”-10” Spread: 6”-10” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",12",HB)
Verbena bonariensis
Verbena bonariensis
Verbena bonariensis Clusters of bright violet flowers on tall stems make this upright plant a great accent in gardens. Heat tolerant. Color: Violet Height: 40”-50” Spread: 12”-16” (4.5",6",12")
Verbena Trailing
Verbena Trailing
Verbena, Trailing Magelana Series, Endurascape Ianai, Empress, Royal, Wicked A spreading, trailing annual with large florets of vibrant color. Color: Rose, lilac, magenta, blue, red, white, peach, bi-color Height: 8”-12” Spread: 16”-20” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",12",HB)
Verbena Upright
Verbena Upright
Verbena, Upright / Mounding Lanai Upright, Empress Flair Series, Santos An upright, mounding annual with large florets of vibrant color. Color: Rose, violet, red, magenta, peach Height: 12”-16” Spread: 12”-18”
Vinca Upright
Vinca Upright
Vinca, Upright Titan, Jams N' Jellies Series Upright plant with impatien-like flowers, overlapping petals and bright contrasting eye. Color: Apricot, burgundy, pink, lavender, rose, black, mix Height: 14”-16” Spread: 10”-12” (Packs,Flats,6",9",12",HB)
Vinca Vine
Vinca Vine
The stems of these plants root at their joints as they creep along the ground and spread rapidly to become a pretty flowering ground cover able to fill in a large area and keep weeds down. Vinca minor vines most commonly put out a blue flower in spring. But the color can also be lavender, purple, or white.
Vinca Trailing
Vinca Trailing

Vinca, Trailing Cora Cascade Series Trailing plant with impatien-like flowers, overlapping petals and bright contrasting eye. Color: Apricot, lilac, white Height: 14”-16” Spread: 22”-25” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12",HB)

Violas Compact, prolific bloomers with one inch flower heads. Cool season plant. Will not do well when summer heat comes. (Packs,Flants,4.5',6",8',9',Oval,bowls,12",decor pots,HB,Beldon Hangers)
Wandering Jew
Wandering Jew
Mature Height: 6″ – 8″ Mature Width: 36″ – 40″ Classification: Colorful Foliage Sunlight: Bright, indirect light to Full sun (if outdoors) Habit: Vine Flower Color: Small purple flowers occasionally Foliage: Purple and silver Soil Condition: Likes to dry out occasionally Water Require: Likes to dry out between watering (4.5",HB)
Zinna Elegans
Zinna Elegans
Zinnia, Elegans Dreamland, Magellan, Pop Art, Uproar, State Fair, Swizzle Series Bright, vivid, upright annual with both single and double blossoms. Color: Yellow, red, coral, pink, orange, rose, mix Height: 12”-14” Spread: 10”-12” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",12")
Zinna Hybird
Zinna Hybird
Zinnia, Hybrid Profusion, Zahara Series Upright plant with early, continuous blooming of single and double blossoms varying in diameter. Disease tolerant. Color: Yellow, red, pink, white, mix Height: 10”-12” Spread: 12”-15” (Packs,Flats,4.5",6",9",10",12")

Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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