Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center







Shop in open air greenhouses and checkout outside in glass enclosed outdoor register.




Ajuga-Black Scallop Ground Cover
Ajuga-Black Scallop Ground Cover
reptans ‘Black Scallop’ Color: Deep blue flowers, purple foliage Height: 2”-6” Spread: 4”-8” Zone(s): 4-11 Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Ajuga Bugleweed Ground Cover-General Information
Ajuga Bugleweed Ground Cover-General Information
Ajuga BUGLEWEED Easily grown plant that spreads well, provides nice flowers and foliage, with very little maintenance. Avoid dry sun.
Bronze Beauty Ajuga Ground Cover
Bronze Beauty Ajuga Ground Cover
reptans ‘Bronze Beauty’ Color: Bright blue flowers, dark foliage Height: 2”-4” Spread: 4”-8” Zone(s): 3-9 Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Burgundy Glow Ajuga Ground Cover
Burgundy Glow Ajuga Ground Cover
reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ Color: Pink flowers, white, pink green lobed foliage Height: 2”-6” Spread: 4”-8” Zone(s): 3-9 |Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Catlin's Giant Ajuga Ground Cover
Catlin's Giant Ajuga Ground Cover
reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ Color: Blue flowers, green and bronze foliage Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 3-9 | Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Chocolate Chip Ajuga Ground Cover
Chocolate Chip Ajuga Ground Cover
reptans ‘Chocolate Chip’ Color: Blue flowers, small oval foliage Height: 4”-6” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 3-9 | Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Dixie Chip Ajuga Ground Cover
Dixie Chip Ajuga Ground Cover
x tenori ‘Dixie Chip’ Color: Deep blue flowers, green, pink and white foliage Height: 2”-4” Spread: 6”-8” Zone(s): 3-9 | Sun to shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flats,flats)
Euonymus Wintercreeper Ground Cover -General Information
Euonymus Wintercreeper Ground Cover -General Information
Euonymus fortunei WINTERCREEPER Evergreen shrub that will behave as a vine if given support. Very vigorous growth.
Euonymus Coloratus Wintercreeper Ground Cover.
Euonymus Coloratus Wintercreeper Ground Cover.
‘Coloratus’ Color: Dark green foliage turning to red in the fall Height: 8”-12” Spread: 20’+ Zone(s): 3-9 | Full to part shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flat,flat)
Euonymus Kewensis Wintercreeper Ground Cover
Euonymus Kewensis Wintercreeper Ground Cover
‘Kewensis’ Color: Dark green foliage with pale veins Height: 1”-3” Spread: 10” Zone(s): 5-8 | Full to part shade (Qts,Gal,1/2 flat,flat)
Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca Ground Cover
Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca Ground Cover
Fragaria vesca WOODLAND STRAWBERRY Generally non-fruiting plant for the shaded border. Nicely rounded clumps. Color: Small white flowers, green foliage Height: 6”-8” Spread: 10” Zone(s): 3-9 | (Qts,gal) Full to part shade
Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum Ground Cover
Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum Ground Cover
Galium odoratum SWEET WOODRUFF Nice plant for beneath trees and shrubs. Leaves are borne in whorls giving a star-like appearance. Small white flowers have a sweet scent. Color: Small white flowers, green foliage Height: 6”-12” Spread: 9”-12” Full to part shade (Qts,Gal) Zone(s): 4-8 |
Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Ground Cover
Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Ground Cover
Gaultheria procumbens WINTERGREEN Native rhizomatous shrub suitable for woodland plantings and rock gardens. Color: Pink flowers, green foliage and red berries Height: 6”-12” Spread: 1’-3’ Zone(s): 3-8 | N | Full shade (Qts,gal)
English Ivy Hedera helix Ground Cover
English Ivy Hedera helix Ground Cover
Hedera helix IVY Evergreen woody climbing or ground-creeping vines. Will easily climb with support. ‘Baltica’ Color: Green foliage with white veins Height: 4”-8” Spread: 3’-10’ Zone(s): 3-10 | (1/2flat,flat) Sun to shade
Rupturewort Herneria glabra Ground Cover
Rupturewort Herneria glabra Ground Cover
Herneria glabra RUPTUREWORT Small extremely tight green leaves on creeping stems form a dense evergreen carpet. Foliage turns red during winter. Small white star flowers in summer. Color: Lime-green foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread 10”-12” Zone(s): 5-9 | (Qts,gal) Full sun to part shade
Blue Star Creeper Isotoma fluviatilis Ground Cover
Blue Star Creeper Isotoma fluviatilis Ground Cover
Isotoma fluviatilis BLUE STAR CREEPER Fast growing long blooming plant that spreads readily and will tolerate foot traffic. Likes moist soil. fluviatilis Color: Star shaped, light blue flowers Height: 1”-3” Spread: 6”-12” Zone(s): 6-9 | (Qts.,gal) Full shade
Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon Ground Cover
Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon Ground Cover
Lamiastrum galeobdolon YELLOW ARCHANGEL Mounding plant that will thrive in adverse conditions. Very showy foliage. ‘Herman’s Pride’ Color: Yellow flowers, silver-marked green foliage Height: 8”-12” Spread:12”-15” Zone(s): 4-9 | (Qts,gal) Part to full shade
Dead Nettle Lamium maculatum  Ground Covers-General Information
Dead Nettle Lamium maculatum Ground Covers-General Information
Lamium maculatum DEAD NETTLE Long flowering. Vigorous plant. Will not tolerate over-watering. Part to full sun.
Anne Greenaway Lamium Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Anne Greenaway Lamium Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Anne Greenaway’ Color: Lilac blooms, serrated gold, green and silver foliage Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 3-9 | Part to full sun (Qts,1gal)
Golden Anniversary Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Golden Anniversary Dead Nettle Ground Cover
‘Golden Anniversary’ Color: Rosy-purple flowers, green foliage with a silver vein and gold edge Height: 6”-8” Spread: 8”-24” Zone(s): 4-8 |Part to full sun (Qts,1gal)
Orchid Frost Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Orchid Frost Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Orchid Frost’ Color: Deep pink flowers, silver foliage with a blue-green edge Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-20” Zone(s): 2-9 | Part to full sun (Qts,1gal)
Big Blue Liriope muscan Ground Cover
Big Blue Liriope muscan Ground Cover
Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’ Color: Purple flowers, green foliage Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 5-10 | Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
Lamium Dead Nettle Purple Dragon Ground Cover
Lamium Dead Nettle Purple Dragon Ground Cover
‘Purple Dragon’ Color: Magenta blossoms, silver foliage with a wide green margin Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 4-8 | | (Qts.,gal) Part Sun to full shade
Lamium Dead Nettle White Nancy Ground Cover
Lamium Dead Nettle White Nancy Ground Cover
White Nancy’ Color: Pure white flowers, silver foliage with a green edge Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-20” Zone(s): 4-8 | (Qts.,gal) Part Sun to full shade
Lamium Pink Pewter Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Lamium Pink Pewter Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Pink Pewter’ Color: Salmon flowers, silver foliage with a green edge Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-20” Zone(s): 4-8 | | (Qts.,gal) Part Sun to full shade
Lamium Red Nancy Dead Nettle Ground Cover
Lamium Red Nancy Dead Nettle Ground Cover
‘Red Nancy’ Color: Deep purplish-red flowers, silver foliage with a slim green margin Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-20” Zone(s): 4-8 | | (Qts.,gal) Part Sun to full shade
Liriope Lily Turf Ground Cover
Liriope Lily Turf Ground Cover
Liriope LILY TURF Arching grass-like leaves with late season flower spikes. muscari ’Variegata’ Color: Purple flower, green foliage with creamy margins Height: 12”18” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 5-10 |Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
Liriope Silver Dragon Ground Cover
Liriope Silver Dragon Ground Cover
spicata ‘Silver Dragon’ Color: Lavender flowers, green foliage with a wide white margin Height: 10”-15” Spread: 10”-15” Zone(s): 6-10 | Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
Liriope Spicata Ground Cover
Liriope Spicata Ground Cover
spicata Spreads by rhizomes Color: Light purple flowers, slender grass-like foliage Height 8”-12” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 4-8 | Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
Mazus Alba cup Flower Ground Cover
Mazus Alba cup Flower Ground Cover
‘Alba’ Color: White orchid-like flowers, green fingernail-sized foliage Height: 3” Spread: 18” Zone(s): 5-8 | Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
mazus reptans Cup Flower Ground Cover
mazus reptans Cup Flower Ground Cover
Mazus reptans CUP FLOWER Very floriferous plant that can withstand some foot traffic. Color: Blue flowers with white and yellow markings, green foliage Height: 2” Spread: 18” Zone(s): 5-8 | Part Sun to full shade (gal.)
Pachysandra Green Sheen Ground Cover
Pachysandra Green Sheen Ground Cover
Pachysandra SPURGE The most common ground cover for shade. Terminalis varieties are evergreen.terminalis ‘Green Sheen’ Color: Glossy green foliage Height: 6”-12” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 4-8 |Full shade (1/2flat,full flat)
 Phlox subulata Drummound's Pink Moss Creeping Phlox Ground Cover
Phlox subulata Drummound's Pink Moss Creeping Phlox Ground Cover
Phlox subulata MOSS PHLOX Needle-like foliage that is completely covered with flowers in the early spring. Ideal wall planting. ‘Drummond’s Pink’ Color: Deep pink Height: 4”-6” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 2-8 | N | Part to full shade (Qts.,8",1gal)
Phlox subulata Emerald Blue Creeping Phlox Ground Cover
Phlox subulata Emerald Blue Creeping Phlox Ground Cover

Phlox subulata MOSS PHLOX Needle-like foliage that is completely covered with flowers in the early spring. Ideal wall planting. ‘Emerald Blue’ Color: Blue-violet Height: 4”-6” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 2-8 | N | (Qts,1gal(Part to full shade


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Phlox subulata Snowflake Creeping Moss Phlox Ground Cover
Phlox subulata Snowflake Creeping Moss Phlox Ground Cover
Phlox subulata MOSS PHLOX Needle-like foliage that is completely covered with flowers in the early spring. Ideal wall planting. ‘Snowflake' Color: White Height: 4”-6” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 2-8 | N | (Qts,1gal(Part to full shade
Sagina subulata Aurea Scotch Moss Ground Cover
Sagina subulata Aurea Scotch Moss Ground Cover
Sagina subulata ‘Aurea’/SCOTCH MOSS Moss-like dense groundcover that likes gritty well-drained soil. Solid coverage especially around stones. Color: White flowers, neon yellow foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 6”-12” Zone(s): 4-7 | (Qts,gal) Part to full shade
Sagina subulata White Pearlwort Irish Moss ground Cover
Sagina subulata White Pearlwort Irish Moss ground Cover
Sagina subulata PEARLWORT/ IRISH MOSS Moss-like dense groundcover that likes gritty well-drained soil. Solid coverage especially around stones. Color: White flowers, deep green foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 6”-12” Zone(s): 4-7 (Qts,gal) Part to full shade
Sedum k.var.floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold
Sedum k.var.floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold" Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. k. var. floriferum ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’ Color: Yellow, dark green foliage Height: 3”- 4” Spread: 12”-15” Zone(s): 3-8 | (Full sun Qts,gal)
Sedum kattschaticum Varigated Ground Cover
Sedum kattschaticum Varigated Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’ Color: Yellow, green and white foliage Height: 6”-8” Spread: 12”-15” Zone(s): 3-9 | (Full sun Qts,gal)
Sedum Stonecrop Album Coral Carpet Ground Cover
Sedum Stonecrop Album Coral Carpet Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. Zone(s): 3-9 | album ‘Coral Carpet’ Color: White, reddish foliage Height: 3”-6” Spread: 8”-12” Zone(s): 3-9 | (Full sun Qts,gal)
Sedum stonecrop cauticola Lidakense Ground Cover
Sedum stonecrop cauticola Lidakense Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. cauticola ‘Lidakense’ Color: Deep pink, blue foliage Height: 2”-4” Spread: 8”-12” Zone(s): 3-9 | (Full sun Qts,gal)
Sedum rupestre Angelina Ground Cover
Sedum rupestre Angelina Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. rupestre ‘Angelina’ Color: Yellow, needle-like foliage Height: 3”-6” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 3-9 | (Qts,gal) Full sun
Sedum sexangulare Ground Cover
Sedum sexangulare Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. sexangulare Color: Bright yellow, fine green foliage Height: 2”- 6” Spread: 12”-24”(Qts,gal) Full sunone(s): 3-8 |
Sedum spurium Dragon's Blood Ground Cover
Sedum spurium Dragon's Blood Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’ Color: Red, bronze foliage Height: 4”- 6” Spread: 12”-18”(Qts,gal) Full sun Zone(s): 3-8 |
Sedum spurium John Creech Ground Cover
Sedum spurium John Creech Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. Pink flower spurium ‘John Creech’ Height: 2”- 4” Spread: 3”-12”(Qts,gal) Full sun Zone(s): 3-9 |
Sedum spurium Tricolor Ground Cover
Sedum spurium Tricolor Ground Cover
Sedum STONECROP Flowers come in a variety of colors with forms from ground cover to upright. Low maintenance and drought tolerant. spurium ‘Tricolor’ Color: Pink, white and green foliage Height: 4”- 6” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 4-8 | (Qts,gal) Full sun
Emerald Empress Succulent Sempervivum Ground Cover
Emerald Empress Succulent Sempervivum Ground Cover
Sempervivum ‘Emerald Empress’ Color: Pink flowers, large rosettes of deep red tipped with green Height: 4”-8” Spread: 6”-12” Zone(s): 1-9 | Full sun (Qts,gal,misc.)
Forest Frost succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Forest Frost succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
tectorum ’Forest Frost’ Color: Pale pink flowers, tight one inch rosettes with frosted white centers Height: 4”-8” Spread: 6”-8” Zone(s): 2-9 | Full Sun (4",Qts,gal,misc)
Hens and Chicks succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Hens and Chicks succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Sempervivum HENS AND CHICKS Low-growing evergreen succulents. arachnoideum ‘Red Cobweb’ Color: Pink flowers, one inch olive green rosettes with white threads from tip to tip Height: 3”-4” Spread: 6”-8” Zone(s): 2-9 Full sun (4", Qts, gal, other)
Jade Rose succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Jade Rose succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
‘Jade Rose’ Color: Salmon flowers, grey-green with red tipped rosettes Height: 4”-8” Spread: 8”-12” Zone(s): 1-9 |
Kalinda succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Kalinda succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
‘Kalinda’ Color: Pink flowers, moderate size bright green rosettes Height: 1”-3” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 2-9 | (Full Sun, 4",Qts,gal,misc)
Red Heart succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
Red Heart succulent sempervivum Ground Cover
x ‘Red Heart’ Color: Soft pink flowers, deep green foliage with red spikes Height: 2”-3” Spread: 6”-8” Zone(s): 2-9 | Full sun (4",Qts,gal,misc)
Elfin Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Elfin Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
serpyllum v. ‘Elfin’ Color: Lavender-pink flowers, tiny bright green foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (4",Qts,misc)
Red Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Red Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
serpyllum/Red Creeping Thyme Color: Dark pink flowers, deep green foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 3-8 | Full sun (4",Qts.,misc)
White Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
White Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Thymus THYME Fragrant foliage under dense flowers. Attractive to bees. praecox ‘Albus’/White Creeping Thyme Color: Tiny white flowers, bright green foliage Height: 1”-3” Spread: 3”-5” Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (4",Qts, misc)
Wooly Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Wooly Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
pseudolanuginosu/Wooly Thyme Color: Rose-pink flowers, dense grey foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 5-9 |Full Sun (4",Qts,misc)
Compact Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Compact Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
vulgaris ‘Compactus’ Color: Pale lilac flowers, grey-green foliage Height: 3”-4” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun (4",Qts.,misc)
Pink Chintz Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
Pink Chintz Creeping Thyme Thymus Ground Cover
serpyllum ‘Pink Chintz’ Color: Pale pink flowers, tiny fuzzy foliage Height: 1”-2” Spread: 3”- 6” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun (4",Qts,misc)
Turkish Speedwell Veronica Ground Cover
Turkish Speedwell Veronica Ground Cover
Veronica liwanensis TURKISH SPEEDWELL Sturdy drought-tolerant plant. Good alternative for grass. Color: Bright blue Height: 1”-2” Spread: 12”-18” Zone(s): 3-9 | Full sun (4',Qts.,misc)
Myrtle Or Periwinkle Vinca Minor Ground Cover
Myrtle Or Periwinkle Vinca Minor Ground Cover

Vinca minor MYRTLE OR PERIWINKLE Fast-growing evergreen plant for hard-to-cover areas. ‘Bowles’ Color: Light blue flowers, green foliage Height: 3”-6” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun to full shade (Qts,1/2 flats,full flats)

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Gertrude Jekyll Myrtle Ground Cover
Gertrude Jekyll Myrtle Ground Cover
‘Gertrude Jekyll’ Color: Small white flowers, green foliage Height: 3”-6” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun to full shade (Qts,1/2 flats,full flats)
Ralph Shugert Myrtle Ground Cover
Ralph Shugert Myrtle Ground Cover
‘Ralph Shugert’ Color: Light blue flowers, green foliage with a white edge Height: 4”-6” Spread: 12”-24” Zone(s): 4-9 |Full sun to full shade (Qts,1/2 flats,full flats)
Hardy Violet Viola Ground Cover
Hardy Violet Viola Ground Cover
Viola labridorica HARDY VIOLET Ideal woodland plant. Naturalizes well. Color: Mauve and purple flowers, purple to bronze foliage Height: 1”-4” Spread: 6”-12” Zone(s): 2-8 | N |Part to full sun (Qts.,misc)

Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

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