Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center

Bags Composts and Peat Moss

Compost/Ct. Organics/.75cf/EACH PRICE
Compost/Ct. Organics/.75cf/EACH PRICE

Great, rich, organic compost made in Ct.  Each bag is approx. .75 cf.

Lobster Compost/coast Of Maine/5 or more..
Lobster Compost/coast Of Maine/5 or more..

Coast of Maine Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost is our best-selling soil, made with chitin and calcium-rich lobster shells, compost and peat humus. The result is a dark-brown, complex soil that drains well and is ideal for conditioning beds and borders, vegetable gardens, herbs and annuals! Available in 1cf


Penobscot Blend Compost & Peat/Coast Of Maine/1cf/5 FOR PRICE
Penobscot Blend Compost & Peat/Coast Of Maine/1cf/5 FOR PRICE

Coast of Maine Organic Products Penobscot Blend Compost & Peat is a rich, smooth, all-in-one planting mix made from salmon and blueberry compost, tiny mussel shell fragments and peat. Mixed with native soil, it helps aerate and add texture and promotes better root growth. When used around new plantings, it provides the nutrients and microorganisms needed for a strong start.


PEAT MOSS/1 cf/each price
PEAT MOSS/1 cf/each price
Peat Moss/4QT/Espoma
Peat Moss/4QT/Espoma
Compost Starter 4 lb.
Compost Starter 4 lb.


Espoma Compost Starter is the ideal choice to help make rich, fertile compost – nature's original soil conditioner. Espoma Organic Compost Starter is formulated to accelerate the process of home composting materials including manure, grass, leaves and food waste. Compost Starter contains billions of microbes specially cultured to speed the decomposition of difficult to compost organic matter. These are combined with the proper energy sources and pH balancers to assure composting success.
All Natural Composting Aid
  • Unique, 100% bio-organic mix.
  • Contains microbes cultured for fast, healthy composting.
  • Includes heat active varieties, used to speed the decomposition of difficult materials.
Sweet Peet /1.5 c.f./EACH PRICE
Sweet Peet /1.5 c.f./EACH PRICE


Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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