Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.
715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)
Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm
The bird food coupon is the only coupon published/distributed in 2024 or before that is still valid in 2025.
**********BIRD FOOD COUPON**********
Published 12-26-24 Expires on 1-9-25
**************CHISTMAS COUPON***********
Buy 2, get 3rd at 50% off.
(Mix and match these items)
Any of these items in greenhouse:
*Fresh cut CT. grown trees.
*Undecorated wreaths, all sizes.
Christmas Planters, urns, pots.
Cemetary pillows and blankets.
Fresh Garland roping.
Swags, kissing balls. Greens.
Buy any 2 of these items at full price,
Get the 3rd (lowest priced) 50% off.
*******Bring coupon or tell cashier: CODE: "Christmas50"*******
Expires 12-15-24 (all details on web above)
Not combinable, good on 3 items only,
No sale merchandise,
one per family.
Poinsettia Coupon: Pay full price for 1 poinsettia (higher priced one) and get the 2nd, (lower priced one)
at 50% off.
Bulb coupon: Pay full price for any fall bulb package (higher priced one) and get the 2nd (lower priced one)
FOR FREE. packages only.
Village Greene Gardens General coupon policy. Revised 1-1-2024
*ALL coupons/offers are Not combinable.
*Coupon must be presented at time of sale. No copies
*Must be used before or on the expiration date. (Coupons w/o date expire in 30 days)
* All 2024 coupons or coupons published in 2024 (or before) are no longer valid.
*ALL are Not combinable with any other offer, sale or discount. (Two coupons cannot be applied to one item) *You must present original coupon at time of sale. (No copies, or phone coupons unless noted on coupon)
*Only one coupon per household/address.
*ALL are single use (Can be used once and must be surrendered)
*ALL Good only until expiration date. (Can only be used till printed date or date on-line) ALL are good for only 1 set of items. (If it is Buy 1, get 1 at...only good for those 2 items) ALL exclude sale, reduced price items. (Void on sale or any reduced price items & multiple price) ALL exclude prior sale items. (not valid on any sale bought before hand) All have other conditions printed on them or are online.
CURRENT CHRISTMAS COUPONS: (ALL CONDITIONS ABOVE ALSO APPLY) Buy 2, get 1 at 50% off Coupon (Christmas) Buy any 3 of these items from in the greenhouse. (ITEMS: Any PLANTED pot or planter or arrangement, Any cemetery blanket or pillow, any UNDECORATED wreath, any garland, boughs, mantel piece, swag or urn.) Pay full price for the 2 HIGHEST priced items. The 3rd, (lowest price item) is 50% off. Poinsettia Coupon: Pay full price for 1 poinsettia (higher priced one) and get the 2nd, (lower priced one) at 50% off. Bulb coupon: Pay full price for any fall bulb package (higher priced one) and get the 2nd (lower priced one) FOR FREE. packages only.