Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center

Coupons, specials, detail page.

The bird food coupon is the only coupon published/distributed in 2024 or before that is still valid in 2025.

**********BIRD FOOD COUPON**********

Published 12-26-24  Expires on 1-9-25

**************CHISTMAS COUPON***********


Buy 2, get 3rd at 50% off.

(Mix and match these items)

Any of these items in greenhouse:

*Fresh cut CT. grown trees.

*Undecorated wreaths, all sizes.

Christmas Planters, urns, pots.

Cemetary pillows and blankets.

Fresh Garland roping.

Swags, kissing balls. Greens.

Buy any 2 of these items at full price,

Get the 3rd (lowest priced) 50% off.

*******Bring coupon or tell cashier: CODE: "Christmas50"*******

Expires 12-15-24 (all details on web above)

Not combinable, good on 3 items only,

No sale merchandise,

one per family.



Poinsettia Coupon:  Pay full price for 1 poinsettia (higher priced one) and get the 2nd, (lower priced one)

at 50% off.


Bulb coupon:  Pay full price for any fall bulb package (higher priced one) and get the 2nd (lower priced one)

FOR FREE. packages only.



Village Greene Gardens General coupon policy. Revised 1-1-2024

*ALL coupons/offers are Not combinable. 

*Coupon must be presented at time of sale.  No copies

*Must be used before or on the expiration date.  (Coupons w/o date expire in 30 days)

* All 2024 coupons or coupons published in 2024 (or before) are no longer valid.

*ALL are Not combinable with any other offer, sale or discount. (Two coupons cannot be applied to one item) *You must present original coupon at time of sale. (No copies, or phone coupons unless noted on coupon)

*Only one coupon per household/address.

*ALL are single use (Can be used once and must be surrendered)

*ALL Good only until expiration date. (Can only be used till printed date or date on-line) ALL are good for only 1 set of items. (If it is Buy 1, get 1 at...only good for those 2 items) ALL exclude sale, reduced price items. (Void on sale or any reduced price items & multiple price) ALL exclude prior sale items. (not valid on any sale bought before hand) All have other conditions printed on them or are online.

CURRENT CHRISTMAS COUPONS: (ALL CONDITIONS ABOVE ALSO APPLY) Buy 2, get 1 at 50% off Coupon (Christmas) Buy any 3 of these items from in the greenhouse. (ITEMS: Any PLANTED pot or planter or arrangement, Any cemetery blanket or pillow, any UNDECORATED wreath, any garland, boughs, mantel piece, swag or urn.) Pay full price for the 2 HIGHEST priced items.  The 3rd, (lowest price item) is 50% off. Poinsettia Coupon:  Pay full price for 1 poinsettia (higher priced one) and get the 2nd, (lower priced one) at 50% off. Bulb coupon:  Pay full price for any fall bulb package (higher priced one) and get the 2nd (lower priced one) FOR FREE. packages only.

Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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