Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center





We carry many different grasses.  Most of the ones we carry are listed below.  The sizes and varities we carry change daily in season.  Please stop and check out the greenhouses for exact inventory.

Shop in open air greenhouses and checkout outside in glass enclosed outdoor register.

Cool Season Grass Recommendations
Cool Season Grass Recommendations
Cool Season Grasses Cool season grass will start to grow early in the spring and may sometimes remain semi-evergreen over the winter. They will also do better when temperatures are cool or if they are given sufficient water during drought periods. If they are not watered they tend to go dormant. Frequent dividing will keep these grasses looking lush and healthy. Cool season grasses include Festuca, Helictotrichon, and Deschampsia.
Warm Season Grass Recomendations
Warm Season Grass Recomendations
Warm Season Grasses Warm season grasses thrive during warmer times of the year. They will not begin to show growth until the weather becomes stable and the soil is warm. Older growth that browns in the fall should be cut back to a few inches in the spring. However, these warm season grasses usually do not require frequent dividing the way cool season grasses do. Some warm season grasses include Carex, Chasmanthium, Erianthus, Hakonechloa, Miscanthus, Panicum, Pennisetum, Schizachyrium, and Sporobolus.
Avalanche Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis
Avalanche Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis
Calamagrostis FEATHER REED GRASS A group of mainly cool season grasses that grow most vigorously in cooler months. They plume earlier than other grasses. x acutiflora ‘Avalanche’ Wide white leaf center accented by deep green margins. A variegated form of ‘Karl Foerster’. A cool season grass. Height: 2’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-8 | Full sun (1gal.,2gal.3gal.)
Brachytricha Feather Reed Grass
Brachytricha Feather Reed Grass
Calamagrostis FEATHER REED GRASS A group of mainly cool season grasses that grow most vigorously in cooler months. They plume earlier than other grasses. brachytricha A green warm season grass that produces pink feathery plumes in the fall. Can tolerate some shade. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | Full to part sun. (1gal.,2gal.3gal.)
Eldorado Feather Reed Grass
Eldorado Feather Reed Grass
Calamagrostis FEATHER REED GRASS A group of mainly cool season grasses that grow most vigorously in cooler months. They plume earlier than other grasses. acutiflora ‘Eldorado’ A golden variegated variety with narrow leaves and wheat-like tan seed heads. Height: 3’-5’ Foliage | 5’-6’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-7 | Full to part sun. (1gal.,2gal.3gal.)
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Calamagrostis FEATHER REED GRASS A group of mainly cool season grasses that grow most vigorously in cooler months. They plume earlier than other grasses. x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ Columnar, cool season, green, early blooming cultivar. Height: 4’ Foliage | 6’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-7 | Full sun. (1gal.,2gal.3gal.)
Overdam Feather Reed Grass
Overdam Feather Reed Grass
Calamagrostis FEATHER REED GRASS A group of mainly cool season grasses that grow most vigorously in cooler months. They plume earlier than other grasses. x acutiflora ‘Overdam’ Cool season grass forming clumps of creamy variegated foliage and a gold inflorescence. Height: 2’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-7 | Full sun (1gal.,2gal.3gal.)
Blue Zinger flacca Sedge Grass
Blue Zinger flacca Sedge Grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. flacca ‘Blue Zinger’ Fine blue-green foliage that makes a good ground cover. It is drought tolerant once established. Insignificant plumes. Height: 8”-10” Zone(s): 4-8 |Part sun to shade. (1gal.,2gal.,3gal.)
dolichostachya ‘Kaga Nishiki Sedge Grass
dolichostachya ‘Kaga Nishiki Sedge Grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. dolichostachya ‘Kaga Nishiki’ Thin arching blades lined with a gold border. Need moisture if planted in sun. Insignificant plumes.Height: 1’ Foliage Zone(s): 5-9 | Part sun to shade. (1gal.,2gal.,3gal.)
Evergold hacjijoensis Sedge Grass
Evergold hacjijoensis Sedge Grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. hachijoensis ‘Evergold’ Thick leathery variegated leaves are green and creamy gold. A bright accent for shady areas. Height: 1’ Foliage | 6” Plumes Zone(s): 6-8 | Part sun to shade. (1gal.,2gal.,3gal.)
Ice Ballet Carex morrowii Sedge Grass
Ice Ballet Carex morrowii Sedge Grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. morrowii ‘Ice Ballet’ A sort of ‘Ice Dance’ with a wider cream margin. It forms a dense clump that expands slowly. Part sun to full shade (1gal.2gal.3gal.) Height: 1’ Foliage | 6” Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |
Ice Dance Carex morrowii sedge grass
Ice Dance Carex morrowii sedge grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ A low maintenance ground cover for shade with graceful, arching, shiny, green and white variegated leaves. Height: 8” Foliage | 6” Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |Part sun to full shade (1gal.2gal.3gal.)
Pensylvanica Carex sedge grass
Pensylvanica Carex sedge grass
Carex SEDGES Sedges are grass-like plants that typically grow in shallow water or moist soil. They have triangular stems and spread through rhizomes. pensylvanica A fine textured deep green sedge that is useful in woodland gardens or shady areas. It spreads by rhizomes and is most effective in mass plantings. Blooms in May. Height: 8” Foliage | 6” Plumes Zone(s): 4-8 | N | Part sun to full shade (1gal.2gal.3gal.)
Northern Sea Oats Chasmanthium latifolium Grass
Northern Sea Oats Chasmanthium latifolium Grass
Chasmanthium latifolium NORTHERN SEA OATS Loose upright clump with oat-like nodding seed heads in late July. Deep green foliage and lighter green seed heads. Spread: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-10 | N | Part sun (1gal,2gal,3gal.)
Tufted Hair Grass Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted Hair Grass Deschampsia cespitosa
Deschampsia cespitosa TUFTED HAIR GRASS Clumping semi-evergreen grass with dark green foliage that makes a good ground cover. A cool season grass that does better in cooler climates. Flowers in early summer. Height: 1-2’ Foliage | 1.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | ‘Bronzeschleier’ Has bronze-yellow inflorescence in summer. Height: 1’-2’ Foliage Full sun (1,2,3 gal.)|
Horsetail, Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale Grass
Horsetail, Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale Grass
Equisetum hyemale HORSETAIL, SCOURING RUSH An ancient plant with dark green jointed stems whose rough bristles have been used as a scouring brush. Grows in moist soil at the water’s edge, in wet meadows, and in up to six inches of water. Spread by rhizomes. Likes fertile soil. Height: 3’-4’ Foliage Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Sun to part shade (1,2,3,gal)
Purple Love Grass Eragrostis spectabilis
Purple Love Grass Eragrostis spectabilis
Eragrostis spectabilis PURPLE LOVE GRASS Bluish-green grass that turns reddish-bronze in the fall. The airy late summer inflorescence is reddish-purple. Prefers a sunny dry location. Height: 1’-2’ Foliage | 2’ Plumes Zone(s): 6-10 | N | Full sun (1,2,3gal)
Blue Fescue Elijah Blue Grass
Blue Fescue Elijah Blue Grass
Festuca glauca BLUE FESCUE ’Elijah Blue’ A cool season clump forming grass with finely textured blue-green foliage. Plumes in May. Height: 1’ Foliage | 15” Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Albo Striata Japanese Forest Grass,Hakone GHakonechloa macra grass
Albo Striata Japanese Forest Grass,Hakone GHakonechloa macra grass
Hakonechloa macra JAPANESE FOREST GRASS, HAKONE GRASS All the varieties of forest grass have cascading graceful habit and prefer rich, organic, well drained soil. Albo Striata’ Broad green leaves with creamy-white variegation. Height 1’ Foliage | 1.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 Full to part sun (1,2,3,gal)
All Gold Japanese Forest Grass, Hakone Hakonechloa macra
All Gold Japanese Forest Grass, Hakone Hakonechloa macra
Hakonechloa macra JAPANESE FOREST GRASS, HAKONE GRASS All the varieties of forest grass have cascading graceful habit and prefer rich, organic, well drained soil. ‘All Gold’ Similar in habit to ‘Aureola’ but with no green in the leaves. Height: 1.5’ Foliage | 2’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full to part sun (1,2,3, gal.)
Aureola Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra
Aureola Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra

Hakonechloa macra JAPANESE FOREST GRASS, HAKONE GRASS All the varieties of forest grass have cascading graceful habit and prefer rich, organic, well drained soil. Aureola’ 2009 Perennial Plant of the year. Gold variegated leaves. Height: 1.5’ Foliage | 2’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Part sun to full shade (1,2,3, gal.)

Beni-kazi Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra
Beni-kazi Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra
Hakonechloa macra JAPANESE FOREST GRASS, HAKONE GRASS All the varieties of forest grass have cascading graceful habit and pr‘Beni-kazi’ Rich green foliage turns red in the fall. Height: 1.5’ Foliage | 2’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Part Sun (1,2,3,gal.) ‘Beni-kazi’ Rich green foliage turns red in the fall. Height: 1.5’ Foliage | 2’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |
Fubuki Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra
Fubuki Japanese Forest Grass Hakonechloa macra
Hakonechloa macra JAPANESE FOREST GRASS, HAKONE GRASS All the varieties of forest grass have cascading graceful habit and prefer rich, organic, well drained soil. ‘Fubuki’ This variety is more compact than most other cultivars. In the fall the white variegation turns pink. Height: 14” Foliage | 18” Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |Part sun (1,2,3,gal)
Blue Oat Grass Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue Oat Grass Helictotrichon sempervirens
Helictotrichon sempervirens BLUE OAT GRASS ‘Sapphire’ Clumping cool season grass with deep blue spiky foliage that blooms in spring. Height: 2’ Foliage | 2.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-8 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Japanese Blood Grass Imperata cylindrica
Japanese Blood Grass Imperata cylindrica
Imperata cylindrica JAPANESE BLOOD GRASS ‘Red Baron’ Leaves are green at the base and intense red at the tips. Grass is spread by underground stolons. Height: 15”- 20” Foliage Zone(s): 5-8 | Full to part sun (1,2,3,gal)
Common Rush Juncus effnsus Grass
Common Rush Juncus effnsus Grass
Juncus COMMON RUSH effusus Clump forming wetland plant with dark green round leaves. Prefers low spots in meadows or near pond edges, but is well adapted to survive in dry conditions. Height: 3’-4’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Big Twister Juncus effusus Grass
Big Twister Juncus effusus Grass
effusus ‘Big Twister’ This cultivar is a mass of spiraling evergreen leaves with prostrate habit adapted to wet sites. Height: 2’ Foliage Zone(s): 5-9 | N | Full Sun (1,2,3,gal.)
Blue Arrows Juncus inflexus Grass
Blue Arrows Juncus inflexus Grass
inflexus ‘Blue Arrows’ This rush has rigid, upright, blue-green foliage. A wetland plant that, once established, is drought tolerant. Height: 3’ Foliage Zone(s): 4-9 |Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Blue Dune, Blue Lyme Grass Leymus arenarius
Blue Dune, Blue Lyme Grass Leymus arenarius
Leymus arenarius BLUE LYME GRASS ‘Blue Dune’ A salt tolerant steel blue grass that maintains its color throughout the growing season. Spreads by rhizomes and is excellent for erosion control. Will grow seaside and roadside. Height: 2’ Foliage | 3’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Miscanthus purpurasens Grass
Miscanthus purpurasens Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. purpurascens A green clumping grass that turns vivid reddish-orange in late summer. The magenta plumes turn white. Best used as a specimen. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Adagio Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Adagio Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ’Adagio’ Narrow silver-green leaves get pink blooms that turn white by September. Height: 3’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Cosmopolitan Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Cosmopolitan Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. var. condensatus ‘Cosmopolitan’ Large coppery-pink flowers lead to silvery white plumes over wide green leaves with creamy-white edges that form large gracefully arching clumps. Height: 6’ Foliage | 8’ Plumes Zone(s): 6-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Gracillimus Maiden  Miscanthus  Grass
Gracillimus Maiden Miscanthus Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ Thin silver-veined leaves form a vase-shaped plant. Fall inflorescence is reddish and turns golden-yellow. Height: 5’-6’ Foliage | 6’-7’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Graziella Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Graziella Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Graziella’ Large white blooms are produced in August over rich, slender, upright, green leaves. The foliage turns copper color in the fall. Height: 5’ Foliage | 7’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Malepartus Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Malepartus Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Malepartus’ One of the first Miscanthus to bloom. The large reddish-purple inflorescence turns silver in early fall. Erect habit. Height: 5’ Foliage | 7’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Morning Light Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Morning Light Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Morning Light’ A white variegated cultivar with slender arching foliage. Best variety for white gardens. A late blooming variety. Height: 4’ Foliage | 6’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Silberfeder Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Silberfeder Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Silberfeder’ This large variety has three-quarter inch wide leaves with a white midrib. The silver inflorescence is held high above the foliage. Height: 6’ Foliage | 8’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Strictus Porcupine Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Strictus Porcupine Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Strictus’ Erect plant with horizontal yellow-gold bands and reddish seed heads in the fall. Height: 7’ Foliage | 8’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Variegatus Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Variegatus Miscanthus sinensis Grass
Miscanthus Sun grasses with a large number of cultivars that vary in height, colors, and leaf widths that allow for many applications in the landscape. sinensis ‘Variegatus’ Masses of coppery flowers plume over creamy striped foliage. Arching habit. Height: 4’ Foliage | 6’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Pink Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris
Pink Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris
Muhlenbergia capillaris PINK MUHLY GRASS A great grass to have in the garden or in a container. It’s drought tolerant and low maintenance. Spectacular pink plumes in the fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 6-10 | N | Full sun (1,2,3, gal)
Heavy Metal Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Grass
Heavy Metal Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Grass
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes ‘Heavy Metal’ An erect blue variety that is useful in mass plantings or as a specimen. Height: 4’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Northwind Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Grass
Northwind Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Grass
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. Northwind’ An adaptable, upright, blue-green cultivar that can be used as a specimen or background plant. Wider foliage than ‘Heavy Metal’. Height: 4.5’ Foliage | 5.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-8 | N Full to part sun (1,2,3, gal)
Prairie Fire Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Prairie Fire Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes. ‘Prairie Fire’ A red form of switchgrass. It is blue-green in the spring, turns red in the summer, and then butter-yellow in fall. Height: 4’-5’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Prairie Sky Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Prairie Sky Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes. Prairie Sky’ Narrow clumps of stiffly upright powdery blue leaf blades that turn yellow in fall. They eventually brown in late fall and continue through winter. Flowers open dark red in midsummer then turn beige in fall. Height: 4’-5’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Rotstrahlbusch Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Rotstrahlbusch Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes. virgatum ‘Rotstrahlbusch’ A red switchgrass that is green in the spring and develops red highlights in the late summer and fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Ruby Ribbons Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Ruby Ribbons Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes. ‘Ruby Ribbons’ A grass that changes through the season from blue-green in the spring to a maroon-red by the fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N |Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Shenandoah Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Shenandoah Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS A versatile, low maintenance, genus of grasses. They tolerate poor soil and drought, yet are highly ornamental with clouds of seed heads in the fall. They are an excellent choice for remediating landscapes. ‘Shenandoah’ A cultivar that begins the season with red highlights which intensify through the growing season. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N Full Sun (1,2,3,gal)
Alopecuroides Pennisetum Fountain Grass
Alopecuroides Pennisetum Fountain Grass
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. alopecuroides Forms large clump with golden-rose plumes from August to October. Turns almond color in late fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Cassian Pennisetum Alopecuroides  Fountain Grass
Cassian Pennisetum Alopecuroides Fountain Grass
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. alopecuroides ‘Cassian’ Golden tinged foliage and creamy inflorescence with silver tips. Height: 30” Foliage | 40” Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 |Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Hameln Pennisetum Alopecuroides  Fountain Grass
Hameln Pennisetum Alopecuroides Fountain Grass
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ Silvery pink plumes begin in July. One of the most popular grasses. Height: 18” Foliage | 24” Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Fireworks Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ‘
Fireworks Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ‘
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. setaceum ‘Fireworks’ A variegated purple Fountain Grass with the burgundy mid rib margined by hot pink. Height: 2’ Foliage | 3’ Plumes Zone(s): 9-11 |Full sun (1,2,3,gal.)
Little Bunny Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides
Little Bunny Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’ The smallest of the fountain grasses. Height: 10” Foliage | 12” Plumes Zone(s): 6-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal.)
Red Head Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides
Red Head Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. alopecuroides ‘Red Head’ Eight-inch long reddish plumes that thrive in mid-summer. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 5-9 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal.)
Rubrum Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ‘
Rubrum Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ‘
Pennisetum FOUNTAIN GRASS As the name implies, the grass appears to be a fountain spraying with its clumping form and arching habit. Has bottle-brush shaped plumes. setaceum ‘Rubrum’ Splendid color throughout the season with burgundy foliage and lovely maroon seed heads. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 9-11 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal.)
Strawberries & Cram Ribbon Grass Phalaris arundinacea
Strawberries & Cram Ribbon Grass Phalaris arundinacea
Phalaris arundinacea RIBBON GRASS ‘Strawberries and Cream’ A variegated grass that has a pink stripe appearing in the new growth. Useful in erosion control because of its vigorous growth. Can be cut back during the season to rejuvenate the foliage. Height: 3’ Foliage | 3.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full Sun (1,2,3, gal)
Prairie Blue Schizachyrium scoparium Grass
Prairie Blue Schizachyrium scoparium Grass
Prairie Blues’ Narrow upright gray-blue foliage turns to pinkish-orange tones in the fall with airy silvery seed heads appearing from late summer into fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 3.5’ Plumes Zone(s): 3-9 |
Standing Ovation Schizachyrium scoparium Grass
Standing Ovation Schizachyrium scoparium Grass
Standing Ovation’ Compact, drought tolerant grass that thrives in poor, dry soils. Foliage evolves from blue-green in the spring to orange, red, and yellow in the fall. Height: 3’ Foliage | 4’ Plumes Zone(s): 3-8 | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Blue Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans indian steel
Blue Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans indian steel
Sorghastrum nutans BLUE INDIAN GRASS ‘Indian Steel’ A grass that requires little maintenance. Drought tolerant and will grow in poor soil. Steel-blue foliage and showy bronze-gold plumes in the fall. Height: 2’-3’ Foliage | 5’ Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis
Sporobolus heterolepsis PRARIE DROPSEED Clumping medium green grass that turns orange with fine airy panicles in the fall. The grass turns creamy color in the winter. Was one of the major grasses of the Midwest prairie. Height: 15”-24” Foliage | 36” Plumes Zone(s): 4-9 | N | Full sun (1,2,3,gal)

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