Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center

Marijuana, Cannabis Growing

Stonington Blend Coast Maine 1.5cf
Stonington Blend Coast Maine 1.5cf
Earthworm Castings/
Earthworm Castings/
Coast of Maine Wiscasset Blend Worm Castings is an exceptional soil conditioner. Use to top dress indoor container plants or brew it into a quick compost tea by mixing with water, molasses and aerating overnight. Gardeners have long known that there's magic in worm castings – the thousands of species of soil bacteria, amoeba, protozoa, fungi and nematodes that digest organic material and make soil nutrients more readily available to plant roots. Available in 8 quart bags.
Lobster/Kelp/Worm Castings. 4Qt. Coast of Maine
Lobster/Kelp/Worm Castings. 4Qt. Coast of Maine

Granular fertilizer with uniform size for consistent release of nutrients (no dust in the bag), making it ideal for premium indoor plants. Plant food stays in the soil and releases with each watering, unlike liquid nutrients.

Happy Frog Potting Soil 2 cu.ft.
Ready to use for indoor and outdoor plants Richly amended container blend Contains custom blend of soil microbes
Happy Frog Potting Soil/12 quart
Happy Frog Potting Soil/12 quart
  • Ready to use for indoor and outdoor plants
  • Richly amended container blend
  • Contains custom blend of soil microbes
PENOBSCOT Peat & Compost/Coast Of Maine/1cf/EACH PRICE
Stonington Aeration Blend 1.5 cubic Coast of Maine
Stonington Aeration Blend 1.5 cubic Coast of Maine
Organic and Natural Coco-perlite Enriched with lobster meal and kelp meal Base mix to help create your own custom soil
  • A source of phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen and essential minerals for budding and blooming plants.
  • Preservative-free and an effective alternative for traditional steamed bone meal
Price: $26.99
Fish & Seaweed Fert. 2-3-1 Pt. Neptune Harvest
Fish & Seaweed Fert. 2-3-1 Pt. Neptune Harvest
  • A perfect blend of fish hydrolysate and seaweed.
  • Growers have reported increased marketable yields and improved shelf life on fruits and vegetables.
  • Fish and seaweed are known to build the natural sugar in plants.
  • Flowers and foliage will be stronger and more colorful.
  • Blooms will be more plentiful, fragrant and longer lasting.
  • Omri listed.
Fish Fert./Conc. pint/Atlantic Boinde
Fish Fert./Conc. pint/Atlantic Boinde
Made by a unique cold process that protects the vitamins, amino acids and enzymes The micro and macro nutrients required by plants No unpleasant odor Can be used on all plants, will not burn when used as directed Made in the usa
Fish/24 oz. liquid food/Espoma Organic
Fish/24 oz. liquid food/Espoma Organic
Starter plant food Promotes roots and growth Helps plants establish fast No measure/no mess easy dose cap For organic gardening

Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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