Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Christmas Hours: Mon.-Fri.8-6p, Sat/Sun. 9a-5p Early closings below

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center



-Disconnect outside water hoses, drain them, and bring them in to basement.

-Cut back and mulch perennials before ground starts to freeze.

-Finish raking leaves before snow.

-Finish planting spring flowering bulbs before ground freezes.

-Mulch paths between raised beds to keep down weeds from starting in spring.

-Have sun blower tuned up.

-Keep leaves and debris from around foundation to prevent mice.

-Clear weeds away from base of trees to prevent rodent damage.

-Move houseplants that are dropping leaves into more light.

-Cut back roses to 18-20" and mulch heavily.

-Store bags of lime and fertilizer off the floor.

-After frost cut leaf stalks of rhubarb to ground level.

-Cut back stems of mums and mulch heavy.  Add them to compost.

-Clean mower, drain excess gas and store in dry place.

-Blow out irrigation lines to prevent winter damage.

_Clean and sharpen tools.  Treat with oil to prevent rust.

-Put out bird feeders.

-Dig leeks before frost or cover with large layer of straw.


-Start Paper whites around Nov. 10th.

-Wear protective gear when using chain saws and power equipment.

-Collect grapevine for making wreaths

-Provide plenty of light to encourage African violets to bloom.

-Reduce fertilizer applications to all houseplants.



Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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