Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.
715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)
Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm
Most bulk products now in stock. Text 203-859-1005 (Updated 3-8-25)
Delivery charges same as in 2024
If a bulk item is on sale here, it must be ordered here, online.
(If you have a pickup truck, you can pick up any amount)
*All deliveries done within 48-72 hours.
(Not counting Sundays and Holidays)
Updated 3-8-25
*From time we get order. Not counting Sundays and holidays.
Please note dumping location at checkout. Please read notice at bottom of page.
(We cannot call first or give times on deliveries)
We load trucks/trailers in the yard:
Mon.-Sat. till 5pm, Sunday till 1pm
*Please buy all the mulch you need at once to ensure a perfect color match.
(All orders cancelled or not picked up are subject to $10-$25 charge)
MOST DELIVERIES ARE DONE IN 48-72 HOURS!*IMPORTANT DELIVERY POLICY. Please note delivery/dumping location in the comments section of checkout form. We cannot offer a call first option at this time. When ordered on-line, expect 3 days or less for delivery. (April 1st to Sept. 30). (We will try sooner if possible, or call store) There is no return, exchanges, or refunds once an order is placed. But you may delay order for future if needed. If a tarp or marker is not there when we get there, we will put in most logical location. DELIVERIES DONE 7 DAYS A WEEK! (Seasonal) In season is April thru Sept. Please remember once an order has been placed, it must be delivered (Can be delayed), or there is a $25 charge. See full polices on page one. We do not deliver off driveway within 3 days of rain. Customer assumes all liability beyond the curb line.
Our finest bulk mulch. Made from only the outer bark of mostly hardwood trees. This is triple ground with no fillers added. It is a deep rich brown color. Order from 3 yards and up for delivery to Madison, Clin., Guilford & Killing. Deliver charge is listed at top of this page.
Deliver charges are listed on top of this page. Our Basic/Forest blend is a basic, inexpensive blend of pine, cedar, and other woods. Good deep brown color. Texture is medium to coarse, with some very small pieces. Nice economical product. MINIMUM ORDER IS 3 YARDS.
Delivery charges are listed at top of this page. Blend of native wood chips. Thin pieces appox. 1" x 1" in size. Great for natural areas. Will gray with time. MIN. DELIVERY IS. 3 YDS
Deliver charges are listed at top of this page. Medium to fine textured blend of Pine, cedar and other woods. Has some small pieces to enhance color. Has a food grade dye that resists running, and keeps color for a season or more. Deep rich black color. 3 YARD MIN.
This DARK BROWN product has been ground several times to make it very fine. It has also been composted longer to have a natural dark color. (Not dyed) Minimum delivery is 3 yards.
Delivery charges are listed at the top of this page. Medium to fine textured blend of Pine, cedar and other woods. Has some small pieces to enhance color. Has a food grade dye that resists running, and keeps color for a season or more. Deep rich brown color. MIN. 3 YARDS FOR DELIVERY.
Considered one of the finest mulches in New England. Widely used in Mass. and Rhode Island. Very fine brown with a hint of red. All bark, with no fillers. A natural product. Delivery charges are listed at the top of this page. MIN. 3 YARDS FOR DELIVERY
Delivery charges are listed at the top of this page. Very fine to medium triple ground pure cedar mulch. This is the native white cedar. It is a nice fairly dark brown mulch. This mulch has some small pieces in it. Nice texture, a little fluffy. Beaches faster than all our others.
Delivery charges are listed at top of this page. Medium to fine textured blend of Pine, cedar and other woods. Has some small pieces to enhance color. Has a food grade dye that resists running, and keeps color for a season or more. Deep rich red color. 3 YARD MIN.
Delivery charges are listed on the top of this page.. WE ONLY DELIVER SMALL LOADS OF 3-5 YDS. OF TOP SOIL DUE TO THE WEIGHT. (Mulch we can do 10yds. in the same truck as 5 yds. of top soil). PLEASE CALL SEASHORE CONSTRUCTION IN MADISON FOR ALL LARGER DELIVERIES OF TOP SOIL. (203-245-9457) They are our supplier.
Must order 3 or more yards for delivery.
Agrimulch is a natural blended mulch made from compost, horse manure and other natural products. This product is composted for months. It is very similar to "Sweet Peet". Fantastic mulch or soil builder. Delivery charges are listed at the top of this page.
Rich, dark compost that is the product of compost natural leaves, trees and other organic material. Great very dark soil for planting. This is an organic product that is shifted to get rid of most clumps and twigs. All organic.
Delivery charges are listed at top of this page.
Surcharge for delivery to Durham. These deliveries are only done on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You must select this item in order to get shipment. You must also select a van or truck option at the left.
Please note delivery/dumping location in the comments section at checkout. When ordered on-line, expect 1 to 2 days from the time we receive the order until delivery. (April-Sept. not counting Sundays and holidays) From Oct. to March delivery times will vary. (usually less than 3 days) (WE DO not MAKE ANY DELIVERY THAT REQUIRES GOING OFF THE DRIVEWAY WITNIN 3 DAYS OF RAIN) There is no return, exchanges, or refunds once an order is placed. You may delay order for future if needed. All cancelled orders will be subject to $25 charge. If a tarp or marker is not there when we get there, we will put it in most logical location. DELIVERIES DONE 6-7 DAYS A WEEK! (Seasonal) If you request a call first: We will call before leaving the yard...BUT we will not wait for an answer. THE TRUCK WILL COME EVEN IF NO ANSWER.