Village Greene Gardens, helping you grow since 2011.


715 Boston Post Rd. (Rt.1) Guilford--203-453-1818 (Text only 203-859-1005)

Early spring Hours: Everyday 9am-5pm

Winner 2021,22,23,24  Best Garden Center




Achillea/Yarrow/Desert Eve Terra cotta
Achillea/Yarrow/Desert Eve Terra cotta
Tough, dependable, colorful plants. Excellent for cutting and drying. Blooms early to mid-summer. millefolium ‘Desert Eve Terra Cotta' Color:8”- 24” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 4- Orange Height: 19 Full sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio
Achillea/Yarrow/Desert Eve Yellow
Achillea/Yarrow/Desert Eve Yellow
Tough, dependable, colorful plants. Excellent for cutting and drying. Blooms early to mid-summer. millefolium ‘Desert Eve Yellow’ Color:8”- 24” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 4- Yellow Height: 19 Full sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio

x ‘Moonshine’
Color: Canary yellow
Height: 18”- 24” Spread: 18”-24”
Zone(s): 4-9  Full sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio

Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Red
Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Red

millefolium ‘New Vintage Red’
Color: Red with creamy white centers
Height: 12”-14” Spread: 10”-12”
Zone(s): 4-9 | Full Sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio

Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Rose
Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Rose
millefolium ‘New Vintage Rose’ Color: Dark Red Height: 12”-14” Spread: 12" Zone(s): 4-9 | Full Sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio
Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Violet
Achillea/Yarrow/New Vintage Violet
millefolium ‘New Vintage Violet Color: Violet with light pink centers Height: 12”-14” Spread: 10”-12” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full Sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio
Achillea/Yarrow/Siren Little Suzie
Achillea/Yarrow/Siren Little Suzie
millefolium Song Siren ‘Little Suzie’ Color: Pink Height: 20”- 22” Spread: 12”-14” Zone(s): 4-9 |Full sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio
Achillea/Yarrow/Song Siren Laura
Achillea/Yarrow/Song Siren Laura
millefolium Song Siren ‘Laura' Color: Dark Red Height: 20”- 22” Spread: 18-24” Zone(s): 4-9 | Full sun Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio
Achillea/Yarrow/Song Siren Layla
Achillea/Yarrow/Song Siren Layla
millefolium Song Siren ‘Layla'’ Color: Dark Pink Height: 20”- 22” Spread: 18-24” Zone(s): 4-9 | Qts/3qt/1 gal, 2 gal, Patio Full sun
carmichaelii x ‘Arendsii’ Color: Dark blue Height: 36”- 48” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 3-8 | Part sun Qts/3 Qt/1gal/2 gal.
Aconitum/Monkshood/Bressingham Spire
Aconitum/Monkshood/Bressingham Spire
MONKSHOOD Tall showy spikes with helmet-shaped flowers. Excellent for cutting. Blooms July-September. cammarum ’Bressingham Spire’ Color: Violet-blue Height: 36”- 48” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 3-8 | Part sun Qts/3 Qt/1gal/2 gal.
napellus Color: Deep blue Height: 36”- 48” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 3-8 | Part sun Qts/3 Qt/1gal/2 gal.
Aconitum/Monkshood/Sparks Valley
Aconitum/Monkshood/Sparks Valley
henryi ‘Spark’s Variety‘ Color: Dark blue Height: 24”- 48” Spread: 18”-24” Zone(s): 3-8 | Part sun Qts/3 Qt/1gal/2 gal.
Actaea/Black snakeroot
Actaea/Black snakeroot
Bottle-brush-like flowers on tall stems provide flowering interest for a partial shade garden in mid-late summer. racemosa var. cordifolia Color: White Height: 48”-60” Spread: 24”-36” Zone(s): 3-8 | N | Part Sun QTS/3QT/1gal/2gal
Actaea/Black Negligee
Actaea/Black Negligee
simplex ‘Black Negligee’ Color: Creamy white bloom, bronze-purple foliage Height: 48”-60” Spread: 24”-36” Zone(s): 3-9 | Part Sun QTS/3QT/1gal/2gal
simplex ‘Brunette’ Color: Soft yellow bloom, bronze foliage Height: 36”-48” Spread: 24”-36” Zone(s): 5-9 |Part Sun QTS/3QT/1gal/2gal
simplex ‘Chocoholic’ Color: Dusty pink bloom, bronze-purple foliage Height: 48”-60” Spread: 24”-36” Zone(s): 4-8 | Part Sun QTS/3QT/1gal/2gal
Actaea/Hillside Black Beauty
Actaea/Hillside Black Beauty
simplex ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ Color: Pink bloom, black foliage Height: 60”-72” Spread: 24”-36” Zone(s): 3-9 |Part Sun QTS/3QT/1gal/2gal
Agastache Anise Hyssop x
Agastache Anise Hyssop x "Black Adder"
Bears many flowering stems which are easily dries; a favorite for cut flower enthusiasts and gardeners alike. Blooms July-August Color Violet-Red Height 24-36" spread 18-24" Faull sun. Zone 6-9
Agastache Anise Hyssop x
Agastache Anise Hyssop x "Blue Fortune"
Bears many flowering stems which are easily dries; a favorite for cut flower enthusiasts and gardeners alike. Blooms July-August Color Violet-Red Height 24-36" spread 18-24" Faull sun. Zone 6-9
Alcea rosea Hollyhock
Alcea rosea Hollyhock "single Mix"
An old fashioned garden perennial with tall flower spikes and beautiful flower colors adding charm to any garden. Mixed colors 48-60" height, 24-30" spread Full sun Zone 3-7
Alcea rosea Hollyhock 'Chater's Double
Alcea rosea Hollyhock 'Chater's Double"
An old fashioned garden perennial with tall flower spikes and beautiful flower colors adding charm to any garden. Pink, Scarlet, White, Violet, Yellow 48-60" height, 24-30" spread Full sun Zone 3-7
Alcea rosea Hollyhock 'Nigra
Alcea rosea Hollyhock 'Nigra"
An old fashioned garden perennial with tall flower spikes and beautiful flower colors adding charm to any garden. Marroon-Black 60-72" height, 24-30" spread Full sun Zone 3-7
Alchemilla LADYS MANTLE 'erythropoda
Alchemilla LADYS MANTLE 'erythropoda"
Low-growing, displaying sprays of small yellow-green flowers in May and June. Chartreuse color Height 6-9" Spread 12-18" Zone 4-7 Part Sun
Alchemilla LADYS MANTLE mollis
Alchemilla LADYS MANTLE mollis "Auslese"
Low-growing, displaying sprays of small yellow-green flowers in May and June. Chartreuse color Height 20-24" Spread 18-30" Zone 4-7 Part Sun
Allium cernuum NODDING ONION
Allium cernuum NODDING ONION
Bulbs with ornamental appeal in early summer. A crooked scape produces lilac-pink flowers that dangle gracefully. Pink color 12-18" height 18-24" spread zone 4-9 full sun NATIVE PLANT
Amsonia BLUE STAR x 'Blue Ice'
Amsonia BLUE STAR x 'Blue Ice'
This versatile, low maintenance, pest free perennial has early, star shaped flowers on terminal panicles with alternate leaves. Color: Dark lavender-blue NATIVE PLANT Height 12-18" Spread 18-24" Zone 4-9 Full sun
Amsonia BLUE STAR x 'hubrichtii'
Amsonia BLUE STAR x 'hubrichtii'
This versatile, low maintenance, pest free perennial has early, star shaped flowers on terminal panicles with alternate leaves. Color; Pale blue flowers Bright orange foliage in fall NATIVE PLANT Height 24-36" Spread 24-36" Zone 4-9 Full sun

Village Greene Gardens in Guilford

Helping the shoreline grow since 2011.  

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